Improving Health & Safety
The Problem
In 2009, there was an estimated 700,000 collisions on UK roads of which 222,146 resulted in casualties across all severities. 24,690 involved a serious injury and a further 2,222 were fatalities (Department for Transport). It has been estimated that up to a third of all UK road traffic collisions involve an individual who is undertaking work-related driving activity (ORSA – Occupational Road Safety Alliance). Former Road Safety Minister, Paul Clark told a TUC road safety conference in March 2010 that, 'Work related driving remains a great concern to all of us involved in road safety because around 75% of all work-related deaths are out on the road.'
Under Health and Safety law, employers are required to ensure (so far as reasonably practicable) the health, safety and welfare of all employees and to safeguard others who may be put at risk from their work activities. This includes when employees are undertaking work-related driving activities and is in addition to duties as an employer under road traffic law.
The costs of collisions to organisations are not simply about the costs of repairs and insurance claims. In truth, a majority run far higher. Health and Safety Executive research into workplace accidents (The Costs of Accidents – HSG96) suggests that for every £1 recovered through insurance, between £8 and £36 may be lost via uninsured costs. The TUC estimates costs of road traffic collisions to businesses at £3.5 billion per annum.
The solution
There are considerable benefits to be gained from managing work-related driver behaviour. It is well documented that the installation of telematics devices within business fleets can not only reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions, but can improve road safety and reduce the risk of collisions.
According to the 1995 SAMOVAR Drive Project conducted by the EU, accidents declined 28% after the installation of telematics devices. Fleet surveys by major US insurance groups have also demonstrated a 20% reduction in collisions when using GPS data and a 30% reduction when monitoring engine data.
When installation of telematics devices is coupled with investment in driver training and education initiatives, further significant improvements in fleet safety performance can be achieved.
Skanska Utilities have recognised the need for installing telematics in their fleet and have analysed the benefits of Isotrak to their duty of care programme. As a business, they need information about what is actually happening within their mobile workforce, with a particular focus on driver behaviour. Isotrak's professional services policy has been key to implementation, working in partnership on a plan / do / review basis.
The result
Skanska have proved themselves to be a mature and responsible company, which takes duty of care seriously. With Isotrak's solution implemented, positive aspects of their fleet are highlighted alongside areas of potential improvement.
Skanska now monitors it's driver behaviour using Isotrak's solution which offers detailed information including maximum speed over a given period, harsh or dangerous acceleration, instances of harsh brake application and time spent at dangerous speeds. This information can be used to identify areas where driver training is necessary and allow regular and ongoing coaching of drivers.
The solution compliments driver training initiatives through the capture and presentation of vehicle telemetry, relevant to driver behaviour. Skanska are currently firmly in the 'review' phase of initial implementation, having planned installation and completed their first round of data collection. With the support of Isotrak's professional services, they are working through the data with a view to implementing driver training initiatives across the workforce, with a clear focus on those who need it most.
Boyd Neal, Business Manager at Skanska Utilities adds, "We've been significantly reducing fuel consumption and CO2 within the business, while instilling safe and efficient driving skills into our work force. Isotrak’s solution will be a catalyst to turning our business into the No 1 Utilities business in the UK."